2021       Kim Fortun, Mike Fortun, Angela Hitomi Skye Crandall Okune, Tim Schütz, and Shan-Ya Su. “Civic Community Archiving with the Platform for Experimental Collaborative Ethnography: Double Binds and Design Challenges.” In Culture and Computing. Design Thinking and Cultural Computing, edited by Matthias Rauterberg, 12795:36–55. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-77431-8_3.

2021       Aalok Khandekar, Brandon Costelloe-Kuehn, Lindsay Poirier, Alli Morgan, Alison Kenner, Kim Fortun, Mike Fortun, and the PECE Design Team, “Moving Ethnography: Infrastructuring Doubletakes and Switchbacks in Experimental Collaborative Methods,” Special Issue: Methodography of Ethnographic Collaboration, Science and Technology Studies 34(3); https://sciencetechnologystudies.journal.fi/article/view/89782

2019       Lindsay Poirier, Kim Fortun, Brandon Costelloe-Kuehn, and Mike Fortun.  “Metadata, Digital Infrastructure, and the Data Ideologies of Cultural Anthropology.” Anthropological Data in the Digital Age: New Possibilities-New Challenges.. Jerome Crowder, Mike Fortun, Rachel Besara, and Lindsay Poirier, eds. Palgrave Macmillan https://worldpece.org/content/poirier-et-al-2019

2019       Mike Fortun and Kim Fortun, et al. “What’s so funny ‘bout PECE, TAF, and data sharing?”  Collaborative Anthropology Today: A Collection of Exceptions, ed. Dominic Boyer and George Marcus. Ithaca: Cornell University Press. https://worldpece.org/content/whats-so-funny-bout-pece-taf-and-data-sharing

2017      Mike Fortun, Kim Fortun, and George E. Marcus. 2017. Computers in/and Anthropology: The Poetics and Politics of Digitization. Routledge Companion to Digital Ethnography, Larissa Hjorth, Heather Horst, Anne Galloway, and Genevieve Bell, eds.. London: Routledge. https://worldpece.org/content/computers-inand-anthropology-poetics-and-politics-digitization-1

2014    Kim Fortun, Mike Fortun, Erik Bigras, Brandon Costello-Kuehn, Tahereh Saheb, Jerome Crowder, Dan Price, Alison Kenner,  “Experimental Ethnography Online: The Asthma Files,” Cultural Studies 28(4):632-642. https://worldpece.org/content/experimental-ethnography-online

2014   Lindsay Poirier,  Dominic DiFranzo, and Marie Joan Kristine Gloria. “Light Structure in the Platform for Experimental Collaborative Ethnography.” WebSci14, Bloomington, Indiana.